Custom-Made Passepartouts

Offer your customers tailor-made passepartouts through our passepartout service! Here, you can easily order passepartouts in completely unique formats that we cut to your specifications upon request. 

Why Should You Offer Custom-Made Passepartouts? 

One key advantage of custom-made passepartouts is that when you tailor the cut to specific dimensions, you can often adjust the outer size to fit a standard photo frame. This allows you to offer a very cost-effective solution for a custom framing job.Keep in mind that we cut the passepartout exactly according to the dimensions you provide. Therefore, it's recommended to order the cut-out about 5-10mm smaller than the actual size of the image to be framed, so the image doesn't slip through the opening in the passepartout.All our passepartouts are guaranteed to be acid-free to ensure they do not damage the artwork or photos being framed 


Order will be shipped
within 1-2 days


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0371 333 50

ISO 9001 & 14001

We are quality and
environmentally certified